At many aerodromes where large aircraft operate, the aircraft are parked with the nose towards the terminal and have to be pushed backwards by tugs before they can taxi for departure. Requests...
Where no ATIS is provided the pilot may ask for current aerodrome information before requesting start up. Example: WEST TREE GROUND FASTFLY 123, IFR TO GREENVILLE, REQUEST DEPARTURE INFORMATION FASTFLY...
The precise phraseology used in the transmission and acknowledgement of climb and descent clearances will vary, depending upon the circumstances, traffic density, and nature of the flight operations. However, care must...
During a flight a pilot may change from IFR to VFR flight. Any changes to the flight plan are to be included in the message. Pilots are required to...
Readability scale The following readability scale is used to classify the quality of the transmissions: Scale Description 1 Unreadable 2 Readable now and then 3 Readable but with difficulty...
Read back requirements A read back is a repetition of the transmission using the same words and the same sequence, concluding by the aircraft call sign. Example: OO-ABC, turn...
Clearances An ATC route clearance is not an instruction to take off or enter an active runway. The word “TAKEOFF” is used only when an aircraft is cleared for takeoff,...
Establishment and continuation of communications Initial call When establishing communication, the pilot should use the full call sign of both the aircraft and the aeronautical station. Ex: Greenville Ground,...
WORD/PHRASE MEANING AUDIO ACKNOWLEDGE Let me know that you have received and understood this message AFFIRM Yes. APPROVED Permission for proposed action granted. BREAK where there is no clear...
Call signs for aeronautical stations Aeronautical stations are identified by the name of the location followed by a suffix indicating the type of unit or service provided. Station Name...