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🤓 Our assessors should be aware of ICAO doc 9835 paragraph which describes the differences between local and global errors and ICAO doc 9835 Appendix B part IV which provides a glossary of basic and complex structures.

👋 Basic approach to pronunciation:

❓ Is meaning regularly affected?
✅This may indicate a tendency towards a level 3️⃣ in this area.

❓ Despite any structural errors, does communication still remain effective?
✅This may indicate a level 4️⃣ in this area.

❓ Are there only a few minor structural errors and slight loss of meaning when using more complex structure?
✅This may indicate a level 5️⃣ in this area.

❓ Are there no errors which affect meaning in any way as well as usage of complex structures?
✅This may indicate a level 6️⃣ in this area.

Click here for the ICAO/EASA Language Rating Scale

Olivier Thaon

Operational examiner, linguistic examiner