AEPS E-learning platform
  • Word
  • Advection
    the movement of air in a horizontal direction
  • Advection fog
    fog which forms when warmer
  • Airmass
    a very large mass of air in the atmosphere in which the temperature is almost constant and which is divided from another mass by a front
  • Anabatic
    referring to a warm flow of air travel¬ling up a hillside or mountainside
  • Anabatic wind
    a wind current, caused by solar heating of the land, that rises up a southfacing mountainside
  • Anafront
    A front at which the warm air is ascending the frontal surface up to high altitudes
  • Anticyclogenesis
    Development or intensification of a high-pressure center
  • Anvil cloud
    a cloud, usually a large dark thundercloud, which has the shape of an anvil
  • Anvil crawler
    A lightning discharge occurring within the anvil of a thunderstorm, characterized by one or more channels that appear to crawl along the underside of the anvil
  • Atmosphere
    a mixture of gases in a mass surrounding the earth
  • Beaufort scale
    scale from 1 to12 used to refer to the strength of wind
  • Cloud
    a mass of water vapour or ice particles in the sky that can produce rain
  • Cloud base
    the bottom part of a layer of cloud
  • Cloud ceiling
    the height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud
  • Cloud group
    a collection of different cloud types which have similarities
  • Cold front
    an advancing mass of cold air, moving under and lifting warmer air
  • Convection
    the process by which hot air rises and cool air descends
  • Convective clouds
    clouds formed as a result of warm moist air rising and condensing at altitude
  • Convergence
    the fact of coming together at a particular point
  • Cool
    weather which is not hot, warm nor very cold
  • Cyclone
    a system of winds rotating inwards to an area of low barometric pressure
  • Depression
    an area of low atmospheric pressure
  • Dew point
    the temperature at which air is saturated with water vapour and condensation begins
  • Diurnal variation
    In meteorology, refers to the daily pattern of winds and temperatures
  • Downburst
    A strong downward rush of air which produces a blast of damaging wind on or close to the surface
  • Dust devils
    A small but rapidly rotating column of wind of short duration that is made visible by dust, sand, and debris picked up from the ground
  • Dust Whirl
    A rotating column of air rendered visible by dust
  • Fog
    condensed water vapour in cloud-like masses lying close to the ground and limiting visibility
  • Front
    the forward part or surface. The line that separates warm and cold front
  • Frontal depression
    an area of low pressure found together with a weather front
  • Frontal system
    a series of rain-bearing changes in the weather
  • Frost
    a deposit of very small ice crystals formed when water vapour condenses at a temperature below freezing
  • Gale
    a very strong wind usually blowing from a single direction
  • Gradiant
    the rate at which a quantity such as temperature or pressure changes relative to change in a given variable, especially distance
  • Gust
    a strong, sudden rush of wind
  • Hail
    precipitation as small pellets of ice
  • Hailstorm
    a storm, where the precipitation is hail instead of rain or snow
  • Haze
    dust or smoke in the atmosphere
  • Humidity
    a measurement of how much water vapour is contained in the air
  • Ice
    frozen water
  • Instability
    The tendency for air parcels to accelerate when they are displaced from their original position
  • Inversion
    an atmospheric phenomenon where cold air is nearer the ground than warm air
  • Isobar
    a line on a weather chart joining points of equal atmospheric pressure
  • Isobaric
    referring to or showing isobars
  • Jet stream
    a band of strong winds at high altitude
  • Katabatic
    referring to a cold flow of air travelling down hillsides or mountainsides
  • Katabatic wind
    a wind which occurs when the air in contact with the slope of a hill is cooled to a temperature lower than that in the free atmosphere, causing it to sink
  • Knot
    a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, approximately 1.85 kilometres or 1.15 statute miles per hour
  • Lightning
    a powerful and sudden electrical discharge from a cloud
  • Lightning strike
    the hitting of something by a discharge of lightning
  • Maritime wind
    a wind blowing from the sea
    aviation routine weather report
  • Meteorological chart
    a chart of part of the Earth’s surface with information about weather conditions
  • Meteorological conditions
    a description of the weather in a given area
  • Meteorology
    a science which studies weather and weather conditions
  • Microburst
    a particularly strong windshear especially associated with thunderstorms
  • Mist
    visible water vapour, in the form of very fine droplets, in the atmosphere
  • Occluded front
    a weather front created when air is forced upward from the Earth’s surface, as when a cold front overtakes and undercuts a warm front
  • Occlusion
    the forcing of air upward from the Earth’s surface, as when a cold front overtakes and undercuts a warm front
  • Precipitation
    water falling as rain, drizzle, hail, sleet and snow from the atmosphere onto the surface of the Earth
  • Pressure
    force applied uniformly over a surface, measured as force per unit of area
  • Rain
    precipitation or water which falls from clouds in small drops
  • Rainstorm
    heavy rain accompanied by wind
  • Relative humidity
    the ratio between the amount of water vapour in the air and the amount which would be present if the air was saturated, at the same temperature and the same pressure
  • Ridge
    a long zone of relatively high atmospheric pressure
  • Rime ice
    ice formed when individual droplets of water freeze rapidly on striking the aircraft surface
  • Roll cloud
    cloud created in the rotor zone on the downwind side of mountain ranges
  • Shower
    a short period of rain or snow
  • Sleet
    melting snow or a mixture of rain and snow falling together
  • Snow
    atmospheric water vapour frozen into ice crystals and falling to Earth as white flakes
  • Snowfall
    a quantity of snow which comes down at any one time
  • Snowflake
    a small piece of snow formed from a number of ice crystals
  • Snowstorm
    a heavy fall of snow accompanied by wind
  • Squall
    a sudden increase in wind speed lasting for several minutes
  • Stable Air
    Air that is colder than its surroundings and as such is resistant to upward movement
  • Storm
    a violent weather disturbance with high winds and rain or snow
  • Sublimation
    transformation directly from the solid to the gaseous state or from the gaseous to the solid state without becoming a liquid
  • Temperature
    a measurement, in degrees, of the intensity of heat of a body
  • Thunder
    the noise created by the violent expansion and contraction of air momentarily heated by a lightning discharge
  • Thunderstorm
    a violent weather condition in which wind speeds increase, rain or hail falls and there is lightning activity
  • Tornado
    a violent storm of small extent, with rotating winds
  • Tropical storm
    a violent wind system which forms over tropical oceans
  • Tropopause
    the level at which the troposphere and the stratosphere meet
  • Turbulence
    an irregular motion of the atmosphere
  • Updraught
    a rising current of air
  • Vapour
    the gaseous form of a liquid
  • Visibility
    the ability to see unlighted objects by day and lighted objects by night, subject to atmospheric conditions
  • Vortex
    cyclonic flow in a relative small area
  • Warm front
    an advancing mass of warm air moving over a mass of cooler air
  • Wind
    horizontal movement of air in relation to the Earths surface
  • Wind direction
    a natural movement of air at a velocity relative to the surface of earth
  • Windshear
    a change in wind direction and speed between slightly different altitudes